Remember when we were kids and we slept a good 8-10 hours without waking up once? We probably tossed and turned all night by the look of the covers the next morning, but it never woke us out of our deep sleeps. A kiss good night from Mom or Dad (or both), lights out, and then blissful la-la land until the morning light came tapping at our window. A perfect sleep.
Well, I haven't had one of those in quite awhile. What about you?
Last night was filled with nightmares for me. A video I watched yesterday was the culprit.
But even removing that video from the picture, I never sleep more than two hours in a row. It sucks moose balls to put it mildly.
Once in a very blue moon I will have a perfect sleep, but they happen way too infrequently.
Same here. I rarely sleep well all night long. Don't know why, but a full night's sleep isn't often here.
I surely could use some nice, long hours of peaceful slumber.
It seems to me those perfect nights of sleep should be saved for us old farts and not wasted on kids.
i don't have trouble sleeping, my problem is waking up! there is a homeopathic remedy for that called Calm Forte and you can buy at walgreens for about $5.00. an Indian pharmacist recommended it to me...might be worth a try.
I'm not a good "going" to sleep sleeper and I also wake myself up with my snoring.
Moose balls? Charming.
I wake several times every night, the hot flash dance... lovely! just lovely!
And on those rare nights when I do sleep straight through I wake up with an achy hip due to the position? Can't win.
And, frequently when I wake up the 'mind' kicks in and I'm reviewing office stuff.. When I used to cater I'd wake up and count things in my head... 300 muffins, etc.....
I sleep through the night, middle of the day and sometimes if I am lucky a little nap before the news :)
You're killin' me!
i wake up feeling like i never slept. i wish i could learn the art of the nap. never was a napper, never will be.
Yeah, those nights of deep, drooling all over the pillow, waking up with my mouth wide open and sheet marks on my face, sleep. How I miss those! Now I only sleep that way if I'm sick and OD'ing on Nyquil....
Wow, I nodded off there, what were you saying??
I stay up so late reading blogs that I fall asleep the minute my head hits the pillow
I can fall asleep fine, it's just staying asleep without interruption such as bathroom visits, uncomfortable positions, overheating, a snoring husband, etc.
Current sleep pattern for me is 2300 to 0630, with 3+ loo stops due to impending prostatism and heart tablets interacting. Content of kip utter crap, (better to be awake), doing old cases, deaths, exwife etc.
Then, another sleep from 1415 to 1630ish, still a loo stop but nightmares less of a problem.
Maybe if I was teetotal at night?
But then, we only live once...
Regular visitors to the Madhatters will know I don't sleep much. I typically go to bed around 10.30-11.0pm and get up around 3am. Once I'm awake I find it terribly difficult to get back to sleep.
The few hours after I awake are when I feel most alert and are the most 'productive' for me in terms of getting anything done. Thereafter it's a constant battle not to fall into a micro-sleep - not a problem when I'm working from home but embarrassing if I'm in the office at the time !!!
Well, it's 5:37 am right here, right now. What u say?
I'm old. The only way I get a full night's sleep is if I take an Ambien.... and that's not very often.
But when I was younger.. as in under 40-- I could sleep through anything. Ahh those were the days.
Hope you get a good nights sleep soon.
The only way I get to fall asleep is by taking 1/2 a sleeping tablet - even then I have to force myself to get into bed ... there's ALWAYS something I want to do instead. Then, inevitably the b/f will come cruising into the room about 45 mins after I fall asleep, switch the light on and ask me if I'm sleeping :evil: .... how the hell he's lasted so long is anyone's guess!
After that it's the battle of the b/f or the goat snoring, the poodle who wants pillow space, the cat that thinks I'm his personal pillow, the hamster squeaking her wheel or the geese across the road being scared shitless by some prowling cat and honking at bloody 2 in the morning! And you daren't cough, because then either one of the parrots will think it's wake-up time and start shouting Good Morning!
I do sometimes fall asleep in between all of this, but I'm never actually fast asleep ... it's sort of midway between awake and asleep ... I think I need to move into the flat!
Good grief Julie....it's a miracle you even get 5 minutes of sleep! :-)
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