This week I thought I'd offer a little game to the "Yanks" here in the states for my "Tuesday Teaser". (Mad Hatters & Trousers are exempt...sorry you can't play, unless you don't know the answers, which I doubt).
Since Mr. YNB is English, I have learned several expressions & words over the years which I now commonly use in conversation with him. Here are 10 of them. Offer your ideas on what they might mean, and I will post the definitions in a couple of days. HAVE FUN!!
NOW UPDATED WITH EXPLANATIONS: (And the prize for most correct (3) goes to Nonnie! Let's all give her a round of applause!)
1. "Bob's Your Uncle" (It is added to the end of sentences a bit like and that's it! For example if you are telling someone how to make that fabulous banoffee pie you just served them, you would tell them to boil the condensed milk for three hours, spread it onto a basic cheesecake base, slice bananas on top, add some whipped double cream, another layer of banana and Bob's your uncle! Of course, this must be some type of British pie, since I have never heard of it.)
2. "Full of Beans" (full of energy. It is a polite way of saying that a child is a maniac. "Bobby is certainly full of beans today!")
3. Gobsmacked (Amazed. Your gob is your mouth and if you smack your gob, it would be out of amazement. "I was gobsmacked when she told me that she was pregnant AGAIN!")
4. Gormless (A gormless person is someone who has absolutely no clue and sometimes clutsy. If a bloke walked into a woman's restroom (or right into the door), you would say to yourself "Gormless bugger!")
5. "Chapel Hat Pegs" (Hard nipples as when a woman is very cold. "Double chapel hats pegs" is bitterly cold. "Hey, Duncan, take a look at those chapel hat pegs!")
6. "Bobby Dazzler" (Something new or flashy. If someone was wearing a new pair of flashy shoes you'd say "Those are some bobby dazzlers!")
7. Sneb end (Your nose end. "What's that on your sneb end?" or "Look at the sneb end on that mush!") (mush=face)
8. Knackered (The morning after twenty pints and the curry, you'd probably feel knackered. Another way to describe it is to say you feel shagged. Basically worn out, good for nothing, tired out, knackered. )
9. "Up the fairy dancers" (Going upstairs to bed. "I'm going up the fairy dancers." Wife replies "Already! It's only 9PM! You old bugger.")
10. Butty (Sandwich. "I think I'll make myself a bacon butty. Would you like one?")
Now, you have to admit those Brits are very creative when it comes to their expressions, don't you! Just be careful when you ask someone "How's your father?" (Ask the Mad Hatters about that one.)
I'm saying nothing !!!
No 9's a new one on me
As an Aussie I know all of them except #5 #7 & #9
Is #9 rhyming slang?
Duncan - Mr. YNB can't believe that!
NM...doing well then!
Bear...you've got two right but I can't tell you which yet. I'll post them on Thursday.
NM...no it's not like "Up the apples and pears" if that's what you're meaning.
1. "Bob's Your Uncle": you've got it made
2. "Full of Beans": full of shit
3. Gobsmacked: what happens when you oogle another woman
4. Gormless: no balls
5. "Chapel Hat Pegs": duncanr already told me that one last week.
6. "Bobby Dazzler": sunglasses
7. Sneb end: to admonish
8. Knackered: drunk
9. "Up the fairy dancers": f#@k you
10. Butty: is that a goat?
that's the best i can do not knowing really anything. don't laugh.
Lynn...well, at least you know #5! I did have to chuckle, but only because I love hearing the various guesses. I, too, was totally in the dark when I first started dating Mr. YNB.
The first time I heard "Full of Beans" I was on the phone with my sister-in-law and and she used it in reference to my new mother-in-law who was in her late 80's at the time. I didn't know her well enough at the time and stayed silent when she said it. (I was laughing internally) My thought was entirely different from what it actually meant!
i've heard bob's your uncle, and it means 'that's that' or 'there ya go.' there's a finality to it, as you have to go through some steps to get where you're going, and once you do, bob's your uncle is declared.
i think full of beans means full of crap, and gobsmacked means in awe or in disbelief.
knackered sounds as though it would be a synonym for drunk.
i couldn't even guess what the others mean.
nonnie....you've got 2 correct!
okay, i think i got bob's your uncle and gobsmacked correct, so i will revise my guesses for full of beans and knackered. my new guess for full of beans means having lots of energy, and knackered means well-dressed.
N - You've got one more correct!! :-)
Where in England is Mr YnB from?
Sneb end is a new one on me, as is Up the Fairy Dancers.
I love the American interpretation of Full of Beans... It's the dog's bollocks, it really is.
Nobbly - he's from North Yorkshire near York.
I'm with NobblySan. I think Mr YnB made up Sneb end and Up the Fairy Dancers ;-)
I'm only about 50 miles from York, but they're a right funny bunch of buggers them tykes.
An' they all talk reet funny lahk.
And, I'm sure he'd say the same about you, Nobbly!! ;-) So, where are you from?
Mr. YnB says that even Monty Python uses the term sneb end!
I live near Oldham in Lancashire (dangerously close to the yorkshire border!). It's about 60 miles from York.
To prove that there are some strange people in York... here's a photo of one of them attacking Mrs Nobbly with a paint brush during our visit last year:-
Nob....for some reason I can't get that page to load.
Mr. YnB is from a town called Boroughbridge, not far from Harrogate.
I don't know why that postimage URL doesn't work...
Try this one, and then click on the photo to enlarge it.
Is he moving? I'm glad we didn't see him when we've been there! Although, I do like the color purple. :-)
He sat there not moving a muscle unless anyone put money in his collecting box - then he talked to them and posed for photos.
It's a beautiful city... we had a great weekend there last September.
~sniff~ i'm so proud!
As a Yorkshireman I must comment on "Up the Fairy Dancers".
Nah, no fairies involved ... to me it's:
"gerrup those dancers"
(parental imperative: 'go to bed now!')
Ooo, I just thought, YYB you might like this link:
World Wide Words.
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