Anyway, on to the story. I will probably label this post under "rambling" because it will hold absolutely no value, which you will agree with, once you've read it in its entirety, assuming you will actually read it all the way through.
Last night Mr. YnB pulled me into the powder room where there is a closet that he stores newly purchased toilet paper. See, Mr. YnB decided a few years back he would take on the responsibility of finding the best sales on our favorite brand of TP (I think this might be because his initials are actually T.P.) So, whenever he is in a store that sells this most important product, he will check out the isle for sales. Of course, when he does find a deal, he'll load up with a few dozen rolls, which brings us back to "the closet". Once at home, TP (okay Mr. YNB so as not to be confused with the product TP) rips off the plastic wrapping around each bundle and neatly stacks them on the top shelf of the closet. Finally, back to where I am now standing with him in the powder room. "Look" he says. "See how close the top roll is to the ceiling?" "Yes" I said. "See how many TP rolls are stacked?" "Yes" I said. (There were 5 in a stack) "Well, I used to only be able to stack 4." he said. "Oh, really" I said. "Do you know what that means?" he asked. Since this didn't take a genius, I was able to figure it out quite quickly. "They shortened the width of the roll." I said.
And they thought no one would ever notice.......
Yep, they've been making everything smaller for a long time, including "normal" sized cereal boxes. I don't think this post has no value, I agree entirely with your sentiment.
Hi HPG! I have noticed that as well, but the TP downsizing I would probably never have noticed. I'm sure there must lots of other products that, if scrutinized, would show some sort of downsizing, not to mention deterioration in quality.
feels like we're always getting the short-end of the stick all the time. Grrrr!!
(funny) well tell mr YNBs that he is absolutely right, they are short sheeting your toilet paper. this means you have room for more on that shelf so send him out for more quickly before he starts in on the paper towels. everything is getting smaller except for me- i'm getting bigger, that's so not fair!
btw, perfect image for that post-
Lynn....funny you should mention paper towels...that's second on his list! :-)
m2....or should we say "the short end of the roll"! ;-)
I knew it!!!! Those bastards at Charmin have been lying to me. They said my conspiracy theories about toilet paper (My TP Conspiracy), were the ravings of a lunatic. Hahahahahahaha! Well now the truth shall out! Thank you for this yorksnbeans! Not only was it a very entertaining and fun post, it has provided the bum wad revelation I have been so desperately seeking. Bless you and your anal husband. Hey, if you’re gonna get anal about something toilet paper seems to be the right thing to get anal about.
PS: Did you see how my previous comment was deleted. It was the TP paper people.
I shall not be silenced.
It's not only Charmin AT..it's Cottonelle as well(whatever company makes them). I'm sure there are more companies involved in this, now that my one and only and you have uncovered this dastardly corporate scheme. I will let him know immediately about your dealings with Charmin.
i knew some of the brands were making their rolls less wide, because they fit differently on the tp holder. there are a few brands that are worse than the others.
on the subject of giving us less for the money, do you remember when hershey spelled out on hershey bars used to rise up out of the bar? for years now, the name is chiseled into the bar instead.
what really pisses me off is when the corporations keep the size of the box or can the same, but when you open it, it's not even 3/4 full!
I only now realize that my hubby's anal tendencies are truly a god-send and should never be laughed off or scoffed at any longer. Who knows where his obsessiveness could lead us.
nonnie.... 3/4!! It's more like 1/3! Potato chips especially!
I never noticed that about Hershey. Bloody execs.
I wonder if their "Kisses" are more like "pecks" now?? :-)
LOL, you guys are too funny!
"Hey, if you’re gonna get anal about something toilet paper seems to be the right thing to get anal about..."
good one!
HA! That's great! I used to stack rolls and rolls of toilet paper. We had so much at one point that I thought in our life time we would never go through it all and that made me happy. Content even. Then my brother moved in with us... And within one year my neat stack of charmin dwindled. He used it all on his enourmous booty. Thus we are down to buying when we run out. Thank judus I kicked him out. Otherwise I'd have gone into toilet paper debt.
B - it's funny how TP can give you a sense of security and contentment. Thanks for stopping by! :-)
They try to get us at every turn, don't they? I noticed that Pringles upped the size of their cans by about five or six chips just so they raise the price fifty more cents.
I've had it! I'm gonna write your congressman!
That's why I stopped buying groceries. I just buy DVD's now. They always hold at least one disc no short changing.
VOG...Wouldn't those be a bit rough on the tush??
I've noticed things getting smaller as well.
I just put it down to the colder weather.
NS...whatever makes you happy! ;-)
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