This past week I changed my avatar and received several compliments on it, so I decided to go surfing for other trolls and found the following hapless creatures.....
Love the Ram troll. Couldn't help but find my own. Although this one looks a bit more Elvira than I do. And my hair is considerably less tamed.
Ram troll, like myself, is a former member of India's "Black Cats" an elite military counter-terrorism group.
While I am not at liberty to speak about our mastery of the deadly arts, suffice to say that Ram troll is capable of killing a man with a roll of undeveloped 35mm film and two smarties.
Interestingly, I am about to put some streaks in my hair that are a blend of my troll hair color and the um, sock/stocking thing. And yes, I'm likely too old to be doing such things.
I was really hoping to see a Nurse Myra troll, but it's probably hard to find a troll in a corset. Hmmm...I sense an etsy project coming on.
bwah ha ha ha !!!!! This is awesome!! Sorry it took me so long to stop by today, I had a very full plate. I love those little trolls. That would be a hilarious avatar!!
[commentator on nursemyra's site gave me cause to think for a second the other day when he claimed to have a favourite pair of 'pants' that he liked to wear for days on end - yuk !!! Till I realised he meant trousers]
nobbly...your f*%#ing with my head, aren't you?? AMERICAN-English dictionary? Now, considering I'm American, and I speak English (okay, maybe not the REAL English that my hubby continuously loves to argue with me about) I have NEVER heard "pants" used in this context.
'pants' in UK English is actually an abbreviation for the word 'underpants'
In fact, lots of words have different meanings in UK and USA. We had a classic example of one such a few months ago when a rather 'large' lady from our Chicago office came over to UK for 1 week.
The girls in the office were discussing clothing when Joanne announced in a very loud voice that she struggled to find outfits that flattered her because of her fat fanny.
There was a second or two of embarrassed silence following this remark - broken only by the sound of barely suppressed male giggles - until one of the girls tactfully explained that in the UK the word 'fanny' = v*gina
It's funny...I did look for one for you but the only one I found was too much like an ogre. (I was looking for one that looked like Cousin It on the Adams Family)
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What a cute idea... I love it! Laughed my hiney off...hahahahaha
You've definitely 'captured' Nobbly's likeness - that's him to a 'T'
In fact, could be his twin !!!
Sweats - when I found the biker troll I about fell on the floor! :-)
Duncan - I had a feeling about Nobbly ;-)
How about you? I just love your pants! :-)
The high waistband put me in mind of Simon Cowell.
P.S. This is one of those occasions when I have to remind myself that the word 'pants' means different things in USA/Canada and the UK !!!
Love the Ram troll.
Couldn't help but find my own. Although this one looks a bit more Elvira than I do. And my hair is considerably less tamed.
BearTroll can kick Ram trolls arse.
I love it. Made me howl. Howl, I tell you!
My personal faves are Ram and BKT.
How did you know I own a penguin suit?
Ram troll, like myself, is a former member of India's "Black Cats" an elite military counter-terrorism group.
While I am not at liberty to speak about our mastery of the deadly arts, suffice to say that Ram troll is capable of killing a man with a roll of undeveloped 35mm film and two smarties.
Yet finding film these days is nearly impossible.
I hate to be too nitpicking, but...
....mine looks a bit on the tall side.
Interestingly, I am about to put some streaks in my hair that are a blend of my troll hair color and the um, sock/stocking thing. And yes, I'm likely too old to be doing such things.
I was really hoping to see a Nurse Myra troll, but it's probably hard to find a troll in a corset. Hmmm...I sense an etsy project coming on.
Very funny stuff, ynb!
bwah ha ha ha !!!!! This is awesome!! Sorry it took me so long to stop by today, I had a very full plate. I love those little trolls. That would be a hilarious avatar!!
the nonnie troll has much better hair than i do!
i still say that if julia roberts and lyle lovett had a child, it would have looked like a troll doll.
Hi everyone! So glad ya'll enjoyed!
WIB...nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by. I'll come by to visit you at your place now that I know who to look for! ;-)
Duncs....exactly what does "pants" mean in the UK?? I asked my hubby, but he's not exactly sure what you are referring to.
Alan...glad you got a good laugh!
Ram & Bear...just remember, it's not the size that counts
Nobbly...Would you like me to ask Bear to take of that and step on you?
BKT...I haven't been to Nurse Myra's site. I did actually find a nurse troll in my adventures!
I am taking my troll and going to change my avatar...a giants troll...named italco...Hudda thunk. Thank you Yorks...I am touched.
Hi YnB
'pants' in UK = underwear/boxers/knickers
[commentator on nursemyra's site gave me cause to think for a second the other day when he claimed to have a favourite pair of 'pants' that he liked to wear for days on end - yuk !!! Till I realised he meant trousers]
Ram is even cuter than I expected. It is a true likeness right?
italco....I thought you'd appreciate that troll! :-)
dunc...he thought that was probably what you were referring to. Just wanted to clarify. ;-)
Nurse...glad to meet you! Thanks for stopping by and I'll come over to visit you as well!
Those creep me out. I hated them when I was little. HATED THEM!
YnB, further to Duncan's entry in the American-English dictionary....
'Pants' is also a derogatory term for anything that is inferior or unacceptable.
"That TV programme was pants!"
"it was complete pants!"
nobbly...your f*%#ing with my head, aren't you?? AMERICAN-English dictionary? Now, considering I'm American, and I speak English (okay, maybe not the REAL English that my hubby continuously loves to argue with me about) I have NEVER heard "pants" used in this context.
betty....Those were the ONLY dolls I liked playing with!! LOL!!
I'm the kitty right....
Confusing, YnB, init !!!
'pants' in UK English is actually an abbreviation for the word 'underpants'
In fact, lots of words have different meanings in UK and USA. We had a classic example of one such a few months ago when a rather 'large' lady from our Chicago office came over to UK for 1 week.
The girls in the office were discussing clothing when Joanne announced in a very loud voice that she struggled to find outfits that flattered her because of her fat fanny.
There was a second or two of embarrassed silence following this remark - broken only by the sound of barely suppressed male giggles - until one of the girls tactfully explained that in the UK the word 'fanny' = v*gina
geo...whichever you like! ;-)
dunc....well you guys must get a real belly laugh when you hear us Yanks referring to "fanny packs"!! :-)
we refer top vaginas as The Map of Tasmania over here. Have you seen Tasmania? On a map I mean.
I had to look it looks like it covers the bush as well! :-D
What??? no AnnNonomus troll :(! LOL!
It's funny...I did look for one for you but the only one I found was too much like an ogre. (I was looking for one that looked like Cousin It on the Adams Family)
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