I am beginning to think I will never find that elusive item; the wallet that has just the perfect amount of storage, but small enough to fit comfortably inside my sexy little handbag. But, since this has become a fetish, I really couldn't care less if I ever find my dream wallet anymore. I now have a drawer dedicated to my search and I enjoy adding to it. It is as though I have a wallet counter here at home and I can change my wallet whenever the mood strikes. The supple feel of leather, especially once it has become worn with use, cannot be compared. The pockets where the credit cards slide in and out are now loosened and stretched so as not to cause friction any longer. The secret storage compartments have become familiar and can be found quickly. My private selection is there waiting for me, what more could I ask for? But, as with any fetish, I will never be satisfied. When I pass the next wallet counter and eye that sexy little red one with the cute little clasp, I just know I will not be able to keep walking.
So, now that we're talking fetishes.....do you have any?
If I had spending money, maybe I'd have some kind of fetish. But living in a one-income family makes me pretty conscious of what I buy. I'd probably go overboard buying the boys' clothes. Or art supplies I won't ever use...
Right now, I'm in a non-spending phase. So, I'm just enjoying the wallet selection that is now at hand!! :-)
Have you had your surgery yet?
No, I'm going to meet with the doc next week to discuss it. Not sure when the surgery will happen, but hopefully soon so I have time to recover for ski season.
We're just treading water, financially, right now, so I'm trying really hard not to spend anything frivolously at all. Jobs aren't dropping in my lap as I had hoped (and half expected if you want the truth). I was so spoiled before this, because whatever job I applied for in the past I was pretty much offered. Now I'm sending resumes right and left and not even getting a rejection letter back... sigh...
I hear you!! I think most of us are in the same boat. Talking about skiing...did you take a look at my "Troll" post. If not, you need to! ;-)
I saw the troll skier... it was pretty cute!
HP, what happened? Why are you having a surgery? Maybe I'm having an Alzheimer's moment and forgot-
I have a fetish for Apple products, like my computer and ipod and itunes and I want an iphone... and the WWDC was today... and all my Apple friends were tweeting about it. Bunch of dorks.
I think wallets are great, but why do they always cost near as much as the purse!? I bought a new Fossil purse and went to look at the matching wallets, but the wallets are about 50 bucks... so I just kept my old one. :)
LOL LOL Dear me, who has 7 or more TV's, is that a joke!!?
It's me (blushing)! We have one in each bedroom, one in the living room, one in the kitchen, one in the office, one in the home theater, one in the shop and one in the garage (for working out). Holy crap! :-)
i had the perfect wallet. i bought it at sears. i noticed that it had a small imperfection in the leather, so i asked the salesperson if they would reduce the price. i don't remember the original price, but it was pretty expensive. however, she let me have it for something like 5 bucks. i used it for at least 15 years. i was heartbroken when it started to fall apart. i had to go buy a new one, and while it's serviceable, it's so much bulkier than my old one.
Let's see. It's windchimes. Lame, I know, but there about 8 different windchimes in the yard right now, and I want more, more more. Oh, and what makes it embarrasing is that I move them around a lot, trying to find the tree branches with just enough swing to ring them when the breezes come...constantly adjusting. I'm sure the neighbors think I'm a loon on weekend mornings, out in my natty bathrobe moving windchimes.
nonnie...I'm impressed!! You actually found one. Now, you can join me on the search for a second perfect one! :-)
Sweats...I went through the chime phase a few years back. I love them as well, although I only have a couple now. I think it had something to do with that movie with Kathleen Turner. Gosh I can't remember the name of it. But, she had a bazillion chimes on the front porch of her house and I loved the sounds they made in the movie. Very seductive.
Why not get a purse that folds out to a wallet?
I have that kind too!! :-)
My fetish is to not have fetishes.
I could never sustain a wallet fetish. I'm just grateful to find a wallet that doesn't have any leather on it.
Someone here has seven or more TV's?
Fetishes, leather and 7 TVs in the house, please accept my apologies as I swivel on my 6" heels to quickly leave under an cloud of embarrassment, thought I was gate crashing a cross-dresser's party!
geo....you are so controlled! :-)
JSB...don't be embarrassed, everyone's welcome! ;-)
yorks, I wasn't judging- I'm a great lover of the telly!! We just have a small house, I have a 42 inch HDTV with Satellite, so we only have 1. But I would love to have one in the kitchen some day- maybe in our next house. We also got little tv's to put in the car when we went on our Failed vacation, which entertained Elena! I grew up in a house with 5 tvs! I was just being silly when I commented before! Don't take my comment to heart! :)
no worries, I didn't. I just didn't realize exactly how many we did had until this poll!! LOL The funny thing is I really don't watch TV that much. My hubby watches much more than I do. But, the one I really like is the one in the kitchen. I like having something on when I'm cooking.
I have a corset fetish
now that's much more interesting! ;-)
Corsets... sound both interesting and painful. But I'd be willing to try.
M2, I've got a torn meniscus, so I'll be getting that fixed so I can run again and ski without crying afterwards. :)
I would actually say my hubby and I have a music fetish. We have like 4,000 cd's.
Oh, and if I had my way we'd have every fruit tree, bush, vine, etc. known to man in my yard.
4000...that's some music library! And, BTW, you do have very good taste in music from what I've gathered so far! ;-)
Good grief that's a lot of music. And good luck on your surgery!! I just check my itunes... says I have 500 albums... ha ha... that doesn't hold a candle to your collection high plains!
what's an album?~oh yeah....
Fetishes? I have none and I'm pissed about it too. People with fetishes always have more fun...I want a fetish...
Lynn....you could always claim blogging! ;-)
I have the CD, "Fetish" by Joan Jett...
(Sigh. Well done, Alan. Best comment ever!!!!!!)
This is not the forum to describe my fetishes...as far as what type of shopping I enjoy...none...I love the outdoors, is that a fetish? Oh wait...I do have a blogging fetish..I tend to write stuff about anti-corruption...does that count?
Fetish? I don't think I have one. surely? I feel rather incomplete now. I have a think for shoes, but not sure it's reached fetish level yet. I dated a man once with a foot fetish.. he wanted to touch my feet on the first date! Does that count?
I'm gonna have to think on this and develop a fetish... damn!
hi italco! Like a told Lynn...the blogging thing could certainly be used! ;-)
DF...now I don't believe that for a second!! ;-)
oh alan...I almost missed the best comment ever!! Please forgive me as I pick myself up off the floor.
I have the most ridiculous fetish ever. I feel so stupid even saying this, but my fetish is pens. I have hundreds of pens. If I am out somewhere and I see one I like I will ask if I can have it.
Hi CB! Welcome to TY&B!! Don't feel stupid. To find a pen that feels good in the hand and also writes well, is a rare occurrence!
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