I personally don't know him, but the blogosphere brings us all a little bit closer, and I feel for him and his family. The news inundates us with the perils of the H1N1 virus, but until it hits a bit closer to home it remains in the "news" category. Well, now I feel "touched", albeit through blogging, because now it feels more real.

This family has been hit with this very serious virus and a young family member is lying in the hospital with his future at the mercy of doctors and any medical facilities that are possibly capable of bringing him back to health. I'm sure your personal comments and well wishes would be greatly appreciated at this time. There are several daily posts, so make sure to read them all to see how this virus took this family by surprise and how quickly it happened.
I saw this already, and left a comment there for them. Unbelievable.
It's an extremely scary virus.
I've been praying for Attila and her son. This is just heartbreaking.
Unlike your average virus which takes out folk like me, old and chronically ill anyway, this little bugger seems to be particularly severe in otherwise fit younger people. That makes it really spooky. Life can be a right fornicator sometimes?
I've just had my H1N1 'flu injection at work. Some staff are opting not to have it.... crazy...
Wow what an amazing person. I don't think I would be brave enough to keep blogging or dissing the girlfriend :)
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