I just counted....28! And it's growing rapidly! Not only that....most everyone is quite active. How will I be able to keep up.....I keep asking myself, as I add another great blog to my collection? How can one stop the oh, so powerful blogroll from spinning out of control to the point when you no longer have time for anything else? I need suggestions!
and to think, I remember your virginal bloggin days!!
and it was you, my dear friend M2 (along with HPG), that caused me to continue. For without the two of you, TY&B (or at that time it was "The Y Spot") would have shriveled up without blooming. Thank You!!
If I were you, I'd become thoroughly miserable, abusive and do your level best to hack everybody off - big style.
You will soon notice a marked decrease in your blogging activity.
This business of being popular can be bloody time consuming.
(or so I've been told, by people who are....)
NS...great suggestion, although I hate being mean. Give me another one! ;-)
Chrystal meth helps me get through my busy day.
you do good work! what can I say!?
Really SAM...who would a thunk?? ;-)
M2...the problem isn't from those who come to my blog, it's who I follow! My list keeps growing because there's so many good blogs out there!
Cut the BS gf. You love the attention.
Okay...I looked up GF and now I get it, but you have it all wrong. As I wrote earlier to M2, my blogroll isn't who follows me, it's who I follow.
so, now I'm curious.. where is your blog roll? Am I on it? Who else is? Who you reading first? Huh? Huh? We need to know......
DF...my blogroll is titled "From One Blog to Another" over on the left. It's really cool because it informs me of everyone's latest posts, so, it's constantly changing. The one on the top is the most recently posted new post. (Did you get that?) And, yes, you are definitely on it! :-)
i think you should round up and go for an even 30! by the way, i don't have a blogroll at the raisin, but i have one at the big orange, and you're on it.
what the heck is the big orange?? you mean there's more to savor from the "Nons"? :-)
Give in to it...
Join us...
No suggestions from me. (I suspect you may be asking the wrong crowd???)
And, I finally got around to adding you to the blogroll at the Foodhere. My apologies for the delay in doing so!
the big orange is daily kos. here's my home page over there with my blogroll. my diaries over there have as much gravitas as the ones at the raisin! ;-)
I was wondering if I may add you to my blogroll. I love your blog and I value your opinion. I hope it is OK.
I feel your pain sista. I have a method, but it's not for everyone. I got rid of the blogroll and put up a "daily reads" instead, it's limited to 25 bloggers who post often and comment often.
I change it regularly, and it means when I add someone new I have to take someone off because 25 is all I can guarantee to visit per day. But I also read the blogs of everyone who comments each day as well, so that adds another 10 or 12. It can get out of hand which is why I change the "daily reads" so often.....
AT...I think I have
RAM...You might be right about that! :-) And thank you, I feel honored!
Nonnie...I just went and peeked. OMG...so much info! Do you have to be a member? The format was very different.
Soup....I would be honored! Thank you for the complement, I love giving out my opinion! :-)
NM....Now here's a sensible woman (and blogger!) Thank you. I think my number will be 30 as Nonnie suggested.
Thank you all for your suggestions!! I certainly appreciated them!
I suggest you have a survivor blog contest and someone gets kicked off the island each week until you only have on blog roll link left.
No wait, I can't hack competition.
Bear...ROFLMAO!!! You've got my mind whirling!
i haven't seen Mr Bill in a very long time. i see he has survived in spite of his many mashings..kinda like me. regarding the blogroll, it's out of control and has a mind of it's own now...
anyone can read over there, but you have to join to be able to comment, post, or rate diaries or comments.
please add mine 'a few clowns short'
Welcome Lisleman!! Thanks for stopping by! I'll come over and visit you at your place! And, yes I'll add you since I have 2 spots open! :-)
Hmmmm... I dunno I have the same problem I have all these bloggers that I love to visit but as the blogroll gets bigger it's harder to keep up regular visits to them all
Tony....thanks for stopping in! Yep, it's a dilemma, isn't it!
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