If you got your choice to spend an evening with a few friends of the same sex or the opposite sex (from yourself), which would you choose? No funny business here, nothing sexual, just an evening of conversation. I know who I'd choose, and that would be the opposite sex (guys). I enjoy my girlfriends immensely, but I do not enjoy getting together with several women at one time. I shy away from the hostess party thing (like tupperware, pampered chef) and girl's nights. Conversation inevitably gets gossipy and boring to me. Maybe it's because I grew up with 3 brothers and no sisters, but I have never enjoyed spending time with a group of women. What are your feelings?
A few friends? Coversation? nothing sexual? The guys would be my choice unless I could pick friends from here...then it would be the girls because I can talk with the girls here about a wide varity of topics including politics...most women in my real life hate politics and football...huge difference.
I'm sure that if you spent an evening with my girlfriends you would change your mind. Men can be fun in their own way but without any hanky panky they get boring after a while ;-)
I would choose the ladies, because men in my life shut up around women. If they go out they want to talk to their other mens without women or even 1 woman. I would choose my old roommates... that way we'd be sure to drive around like weirdos and do silly things.
One time on an arty street in my old city, I was out with 4 of my roommates sitting at outdoor sidewalk cafe. Lauren had just turned "vegetarian".. and she was a Fashion major, so she thought she was hot shit.. and this car full of mens drive by and through a naked hot dog out of their window while going full-speed. If the thing didn't just bounce on Lauren's calf and roll down to rest on the top of her foot (she was wearing flats),... and she started shrieking... Ha ha ha.. those are my kind of girls nights.
italco...there is a big difference between cyberspace and real life discussions, isn't there!
Geo...it goes beyond conversation though, it's how women operate when in groups. I've been in enough group settings with different types of women but the underlying elements tend to be the same.
M2...now explain "naked" hotdog, please! Is this a hotdog with no condiments or bun. Just a plain weenie thrown at warp speed.
HA HA HA HA... weanie at warp speed! Yes! no bun or condiments!!
and actually Lauren had decided to turn "vegan" from "vegetarian" so my correction there! HA HA!!
Guys, because we'd be out climbing a mountain instead of sitting around gossiping. But when I need to talk, it's definitely the girlfriends.
Good thing there were no condiments on that weiner!
Definitely the men, every time.
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