Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This week's teaser is a different type of teaser!


Anonymous said...

ja var det stor! Aldrig i Amerika! (Translated -> Yes, that was great! Never in America!)

Anonymous said...

Ya, lite (sp?). That means yes, a little. I dated a guy from Sweden for a while, and we planned a big trip to Italy (Turin) for a ski trip. I was going to be the only American there, so I spent a bunch of time teaching myself Swedish so I would feel like I could be a part of the group. Unfortunately I ended up backing out of the trip (and losing $1000 worth of airline tickets too). It was sort of clear that Ulrich and I weren't ever going to be a REAL couple. I also tried to get a job in Sweden, and had a couple of phone interviews. I chickened out of that path thru life, basically...

yorksnbeans said...

Sounds like you had a very interesting single life. I never thought I would end up marrying a foreigner, but I did (British). Although, he was living in the States, so I'm not really sure that counts.

yorksnbeans said...

He moved here when he was 21 just about to turn 22.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'd say I was drawn to the road and adventure. Now I'm all domesticated!! LOL But I still have some of that nomad in me... I think it counts, you marrying a Brit. There are some awefully attractive Brits, and the lovely thing is they speak the same language, only with a sexy accent.

nonnie9999 said...

awww, bless their little swedish meatballs! :wink:

yorksnbeans said...

nonnie...rofl!! Yea, their hands and feet didn't look very big! :-)

Geonite said...

Now THAT"S a TEASER!!!!!!

Geonite said...

yorksnbeans said...

I was going to complain that the vid was cropped too much, but then I thought, no, it definitely showed enough highlights!! What an ass!! Yowsa!! ;-)