Saturday, May 23, 2009

So It's Not Torture, Huh!!

I normally don't post over the weekend, but when I saw this, I am making an exception. Erich "Mancow" Muller is a Chicago conservative talk show host who wanted to silence critics of waterboarding by having it done to himself. Mancow afterward changed his opinion, saying, "It is way worse than I thought it would be, and that's no joke", and described waterboarding as "absolutely torture". I guess his publicity stunt backfired bigtime!


Anonymous said...

Wow, this was a really worthwhile video. I'm glad to hear he changed his mind. I bet there are lots of people who think it's just like being in a pool, like he said. Unless they have it done to them...

yorksnbeans said...

I got the sound to work now. Yes, HPG. Now Hannitard needs to try it out!

Geonite said...

Hopefully this will wake a few people up.

yorksnbeans said...

Yes, Geo, there are a few people I can think of that should have it tried on them!

nonnie9999 said...

just goes to show that the bullies are real hotshots, but only until push comes to shove.

yorksnbeans said...

yes nonnie....bullies are usually filled with a lot of hot air!

Anonymous said...

I really wish more radio "personalities" would submit to torture more often. It allows me to have my fantasies come to life without having to go to jail.

yorksnbeans said...

CLT...we don't have to stop with just the radio guys...let's throw in some politicians as well! ;-)

VoiceoftheGods said...

I didn't think he was conservative. I thought he was more of Chicagos version of Howard Stern. Then again I didn't listen to him much when I lived near Chicago and I was even less politically minded then then I am now.

yorksnbeans said...

VOG...I never heard of him til this story so I really don't know for sure. I was just re-stating this video and what I researched about him on the net.

Anonymous said...

Once McCain said it was torture that was enough for me given what he had been through.

yorksnbeans said...

bearman....apparently there are people out there who have super-inflated egos!!

Anonymous said...

These kinds of stunts make me nervous that some bozos are going to try and beat the 14 seconds and accidently drown themselves or someone else.

yorksnbeans said...

Margot!! I had given up hope of seeing you here! In fact I just took your blog off my list this morning when I saw you hadn't done anything with it for a few weeks. I'll put you back on if you are joining the troops! Hope to see you back!