The title (which, of course, Simon suggested) will be "IF YOU ASK ME". Now, considering no one will actually be asking me anything, you might wonder what the content of this column will be. Well, it will go like this....something will pop into my head in which I have an opinion, and VIOLA, there will be a new post for all to read.
Here is the pilot for this column:
IF YOU ASK ME.....why do people like to argue on the internet? I would say it's because they don't get enough of it in real life.
See, that was simple and to the point. Now you get to give me your opinions!
Good question. Not sure why people like to argue, either in real life OR on the Internet. I think people like to prove that they are right, and frequently don't consider that they might be wrong. Which leads to arguments.
I do have some of the argue gene in my blood, but it's mostly reserved for my hubby!! :-)
I like to argue on the internet.. i must be some sick person. I think a lot of us political ideologues from ireport continue arguing and sometimes I think... are we all adults here? And it's rather strange. But maybe we just need an outlet, I'll go so far to say as we're obsessive. I don't think a lot of people in the common population are like this, but the ones who are inevitably find a way to, well, argue! Did you see my "about me" on my blog? I write "Like to argue about politics"... ha ha.
I argue because it helps me understand the other side better. And also because when someone that believes something differient then me gets on a high horse I find it hilarious. Not that I am immune from taking that horse for a ride. ;-)
People like to argue on the Internet because the Internet lets them pay Keyboard Kommandos without getting their lights punched out.
This is especially true from where I used to reside, which was the chat rooms.
m2....do you like to argue in real life?
VOG...do you ever really figure out the other side?? :-)
G....glad to meet you! Thank you for stopping in and your comment. Makes total sense! :-)
Well it depends on which other side you're talking about. ;-) I usually learn more of where people are coming from by how and what they argue. Doesn't make them any less of a moron in my eyes at the end of the day though. :-P
LOL!! ;-)
I have yet to figure out why people bother to argue on the internet, other than it's a way to vent and perhaps don't have the opportunity at home to act out that way....I don't mind differences of opinions, but when it starts to escalate to a point of getting off topic and name calling-I'm gone!lol!
ann...I just wonder if they feel better afterwards. What I've noticed is that it's like they're just banging their head against a wall. At least in real life, there tends to be a resolution one way or the other.
I agree with Ann... my arguing is venting about politics. Not trying to force opinions.
In real life, I am a master debater and my poor hubby is the consisten wrong one. I'm obsessive and lingual and inherited it all from my dad. Who also never shuts up. Plus our family is dysfunctional but lovable like the Griswolds. So when I talk to my dad we argue basically, that's how we communicate. And we take none of it serious, it's all like a ridiculous sitcom. Same with me and my brother. My husband is always completely baffled. I'm quite a ridiculous person actually. ;)
We're kind of like a big Italian family -only we're not Italians.
on an off note, I find it hilarious that 4 people don't own swimsuits on that poll, are they wearing their "birthday suit" -hmmmmmm?
good darn question. I think we argue entirely too much.
On another topic: I just decided, today to start a regular q&a myself.... wow?! Great minds?
m2...you have such a sense of humor in your writing! You should start posting some of your daily life occurences on your blog. I'm sure you'd have lots to say and it would be entertaining and well written! :-)
Hi DF! I agree! Yeah...great minds (who love to blog)! :-)
I don't mind arguing on the internet. It's when people use words at phrasing at others that they would never do in person.
I can happily say that I am the same sarcastic ass in person as I am online.
bear...it is sad that people feel they can get by with behavior in cyberspace that they would never consider in real life.
My thoughts on the matter are simple. I only argue when everyone else is wrong. Then they argue with me cuz I'm always right. :)
Now I could be wrong about this...
Wanna argue? :D
M2 - I thought the exact same thing about the swim suit poll! I guess some of us don't go swimming. I, on the other hand, am one of those with 6-10!! :-)
george....have you ever seen the Monty Python skit called "The Argument"?? :-) Hey, maybe I should post it here. I'll go see if I can find it.
I am Italian...need I say more?
M2 - Trying arguing with an Italian...lol. You just "think" your right...if you differ with me then how can you "be" right?
Italco....I'm glad I don't argue on the internet then! ;-)
lol @ YNB - You don't have too..you are the 1,000,000th commentor on ireports..arguments are frutile
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